Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Machine Down Again

Treatments 9-13

Last week's treatments were uneventful. Ma was supposed to get an additional treatment on Sunday to make up for Christmas Day, but the machine broke again. It was still broken yesterday. This is the 3rd time it's gone down since Thanksgiving.

Ma gets Christmas Day off, but she's scheduled for treatment on Friday and Saturday. The schedule will probably be similar next week to make up for New Year's Day.

Kit is here. She arrived Friday and is staying till the 28th.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another Short Week

Treatments 4-8

I've been lazy about posting updates. Sorry about that.

On Monday, the machine was still broken. The cancer center said to show up at 5:30pm instead of Ma's usual time of 1:45pm. When we got to the center, they said we were supposed to come at 8:30pm, not 5:30. So we left. But Ma didn't want to go that late for her treatment. Pa called at 8pm to cancel. No one answered, and he left a message. The next day the center said they were expecting Ma at 7pm.

Ma managed to get her treatments Tuesday-Friday. Because she had missed 3 treatments -- Thursday and Friday last week, and Monday this week, 3 additional days will be tacked on to her original last day of treatment to make up for it. Dr. Shank, who we saw on Tuesday, said that Ma got a slightly increased dose this week to make up for Monday. So she only has to make up for 2 days instead of 3.

I've been keeping up the walks with Ma. It gets expensive though because I usually end up buying something. Yesterday I got some Christmas shopping done at Barnes & Noble.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Radiation Machine Down

Ma's radiation treatments for today and tomorrow were cancelled because the radiation machine broke down. When we got Ma's treatment schedule, we were told that the last day of treatment could change depending on whether there's a machine breakdown. So this is not unexpected. I think the last breakdown was the day before Thanksgiving. That's only a week ago. I hope this doesn't happen too often. It's an old machine, about 16 years old. Not exactly state-of-the-art.

Ma agreed to go for a walk today at Big Lots. I think she's more motivated when there's stuff she can look at. We were at the store for half an hour. She spent more time standing than walking, but she didn't sit down. Towards the end, she complained about pain behind both her knees. They hurt only when she walks, not when she stands or sits.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Radiation - Session 2

Ma's day started off with a follow-up with her surgeon. The hole in her breast is much smaller, and Dr. Cogen is happy with the healing progress.

Afterwards we went to Andrea's for lunch. We had paksiw na lechon, pinakbet, and pancit palabok. My friend Joji stopped by for a chat, and she sent us home with desserts and more pinakbet.

Back at the cancer center, Ma had a short visit with Dr. Shank, the radiation oncologist, before her treatment. From now on she'll see Dr. Shank every Tuesday after her radiation. The treatment itself was uneventful, and I didn't even bother staying in the control room to watch. I'll have to ask if I can take photos of the room where Ma gets her treatment.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Radiation - Session 1

Ma had her first radiation treatment today. It went well. The actual radiation took only about 10 minutes. Dressing and undressing took a lot longer.

With Tito Luming on vacation, Ma has been cooking the last two days. She was complaining about her knee hurting from standing too long in the kitchen. But she consented to a stop at Home Depot where we had a short walk.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Radiation - Trial Run

Today Ma went for her radiation trial run. I don't know exactly what was done to her because I was kicked out of the room. Some x-rays were taken though. Tomorrow the real radiation session starts.

On the way home I had to stop at Home Depot to check out something and asked Ma if she's willing to walk around inside. She did for about 5 minutes. I told her I'll stop at Home Depot every day after her radiation treatment so that she'll get some exercise. She'll have no choice since I'm driving. Exercise will also help with the inevitable fatigue she'll get from her treatments.